Marathon Eryri - Snowdonia Marathon
As many of you will know I have already done this event in 2015 and 2016 and have written two fairly well received, and often read running blogs about it.
In them I described the day I had at the event itself in an attempt to be informative regarding the event and also hopefully a slightly entertaining open and honest account of what it took to run it and what you go through trying to run it successfully.
I hesitated to write about the event for a third year as I didn't want to be repetitive. But I also write the blogs as a personal record for myself to look back on, and to record little bits of info I may want to look back on when my memory fails me, as it often does as I'm either old or getting old.
I also like to write the blogs to help people get a feel of the event itself, and also what your day brings when you run them. This is why I mention what I wore, what I ate, and what nutrition I may of had on the run, and often my tactics on the run itself. I do this in the hope it may be helpful.
For this reason the blog will still contain a lot of details and probably pictures of the area from previous years, purely so new readers still get a good grasp of everything involved, so apologies if you find it a bit of the same.
I also write the blogs so I can look back and check details if something went right or wrong and compare to other events. Keeping a record or even a training log is something I would recommend when you take up running, so you can compare notes if your performance varies and you don't know why.
I ran the event this year to raise funds for the Llanberis Mountain Rescue Team, because I wanted to give something back to the area. I had many a happy family holiday there as a child and teenager. Those that know me will know this as I mention it a lot in recent blogs because my Mum sadly passed away in June of this year and we are due to spread my Mums ashes in the valley below Snowdon and near to Llanberis, as my Mum loved Snowdonia so much and had requested it in her final wishes.
I ran on behalf of 'WWMD - What Would Mum Do?' which is the ongoing fundraising legacy I set up in honour of my Mum and is the focus of my charity fundraising efforts at the moment, or at least my own personal ones as I run a few fundraising projects on Facebook also with the help of others who participate.
The night before.
As always the night before or day and night before was all about staying rested and drinking plenty of water to get the body well hydrated, and eating plenty of carbs in my meals of the day to help store up energy for the run on the day.
I also had to got to bed early as I was getting up at 3:45am so I could ring my Dad at 4am to wake him up and be collected by him at 5am to set off for Wales.
I went to bed at 9pm which was difficult as I'm normally up til 3am as I work late shifts.
I think I slept fairly well which is rare before events as it is well known that it is often hard to sleep well the night before as your mind is often either buzzing with thoughts, excitement or plain old nerves. Also often the worry that your alarm didn't go off.
The morning of the event.
Well it was 3:45am and it was time for a quick shower to wake myself up, and then a call to my Dad at 4am to make sure he was up, and then it was first breakfast. This was just a couple of pieces of wholemeal toast with lashings of peanut butter on top. This is my staple pre run fuel for training runs or events themselves and it serves me well.
The vital cup of coffee was required to make me fully alert so at least I could dress myself like a sensible adult and not a blind folded colour blind child with one hand tied behind his back.
I had laid all my running clothes out the night before with a few choices so I could re check the weather forecast and dress quickly for it.
The weather forecast had improved slightly from several hours of light rain or drizzle to just a fog and thick cloud. I knew this could still change back again and I was always looking at wearing a thin waterproof top as well.
I went for my twin layer Karrimor running shorts, my 'Run or Cake' running vest, my Drymax 'Speedgoat' socks and my good old running cap.
I also wore my Inov-8 ultra running light weight waterproof shell/jacket as I knew I would want to stay warm at the start line as it's wind proof as well and maintains a good body temperature.
So, 5am and my Dad picks me up and it's a treat to have him do so as my Mum and Dad have never been at any off my running events, so this was a first. Also where we were going was personal to us both.
It took just over 3 hours to get there as we went the scenic route through the countryside itself as we always did on family holidays, so we were both very familiar with the route.
Obviously it was pitch black at this time of the morning, so scenery was not exactly interesting as it was mainly the dark, winding corners and idiotic selfish drivers on full beam who were oblivious to anyone else's safety and welfare as they drove toward us blinding us as they went. Bl**dy idiots! was the often used word of the day several times on the journey!
Safely there and quickly parked up in the car park at the event HQ which was situated in the Electric Mountain Visitors Centre in Llanberis, and it was time for a visit to the cafe for the good old 'Lord of the Rings' Second Breakfast! and why not, we were in Mordor after all! (See last years blog if you don't get that one).
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Llanberis in the shadow of Snowdon (Web sourced photo) |
For me it was two large flapjacks and two pieces of toast and another black coffee as it was still two and a half hours pre start time.
I must add that just before the cafe I went to pick up my race number and t-shirt from race registration. This is extremely well organized as all entrants names are listed on big information boards with your race number next to it. You simply go to the queue (if there even is one) for your number range 0-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-3000 etc..etc.. and pick up your number, your memento booklet and your pre ordered t-shirt in the size you ordered and NOTE the correct size you ordered. No panic at the end whether or not your size was going to run out due to poorly organized t-shirt purchasing by organizers. At this event it is spot on and you get exactly what you ordered, well done organizers.
Anyway, breakfast was eventually had, and it was time to go back and sit in the car to relax for a while while contemplating exactly when to attempt to go to the toilet for the vital pre run pee or poo (Get the title link?).
Never under estimate your bodies need for the loo pre run, be it once, twice or three times :) It will always catch you out when you think you are ok and don't need one, and you can guarantee you will need one at the last minute when the portaloo queues have reached maximum velocity, capacity and length, often across the car park and out the gates at some events.
Also please don't moan or whinge if there isn't a portaloo or installed toilets on the race route itself if you are from the city. This is the countryside you are in now Boyo' you should of gone when you had the chance...
Race Start 10:30am
I said my good byes to my Dad as I set off for the start line which is 10 minutes down the road and made my way to the long line of runners eagerly awaiting the starting hooter etc.
I did at this point take my first gel a GU vanilla bean flavour one that would ideally last 45-60 minutes.
I saw a few people I knew on the way and said hello and have a good one etc etc as you do, and before I knew it it was race start and we were off!...
Llanberis to Pen-y-Pas
0 miles - 5 miles
This is the first section of the marathon and runs the entire length of the Llanberis pass upto Pen-y-Pas at 5 miles and the Youth Hostel there and also the first checkpoint and timing mat that records your time at that point.
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Llanberis Pass to Pen-y-Pass (Web sourced photo) |
The last 3 miles at least of this 5 mile stretch is a slow up hill climb, it's gradual but it builds and it slowly but surely drains the legs of those not used to any kind of hill running.
Thankfully I run in the sand dunes a lot in my training and it builds the leg strength and stamina required to run hills. The valley itself is rough and barren and often accompanied with a mist or fog which makes it a bit menacing in it's appearance. Not unlike Mordor as someone quipped last year as we ran.
It is still a beautiful sight to behold with it's steep rock faces which make it a rock climbing mecca for anyone in the UK.
It is still a beautiful sight to behold with it's steep rock faces which make it a rock climbing mecca for anyone in the UK.
As ever the Welsh October weather had brought us a mist and fog so you couldn't see the tops of the rock faces and surrounding mountains on either side of the valley, but it was still a sight to behold, and it distracted you from the difficulty of the climb itself if you were able to look around as you ran and pretend you couldn't feel the climb.
Luckily despite not training enough due to a knee issue all year my fitness was in decent order and so was my leg strength. I was also benefiting from transitioning to a Whole Food Plant Based Diet back in March and everything was going exceptionally well performance wise, and I was hitting new PB's at events I hadn't trained anywhere near enough for so full credit goes to the diet/lifestyle change.
If you want more info about my transition and why I dropped meat and dairy, just look up my previous blog post 'I shall not go silently into the night'. It was the last one before this one.
If you want more info about my transition and why I dropped meat and dairy, just look up my previous blog post 'I shall not go silently into the night'. It was the last one before this one.
At the end of the pass is the final bit of the climb to Pen-y-Pas and it was shrouded in fog just like last year. By this time I had already removed my waterproof top and it was wrapped safely around my waist and I was now running perfectly cool in my Run or Cake vest.
It was also photo opportunity time at this point as the photographers from were there to take one of many photo's along the route for you to purchase and keep as keepsakes and mementos of the day. I always find they are good pictures whenever I purchased mine, as you will see at various points in this blog. Here is the first...
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Approaching Pen-y-Pass (Official Photo) |
At Pen-y-Pas itself I clocked a time of 39:43 which was roughly a minute quicker than last year at 40:44, so I was happy with that as I was trying to be sensible pace wise and was glad to see a gain at this point, and the next section would involve the downhill that was just about to start straight out of Pen-y-Pas.
Pen-y-Pas to Beddgelert
5 miles - 13.1 miles
This is where the fun really starts. After doing the long climb out of the Llanberis Pass you are now faced with a slightly steep downhill to the A498 which is the road to Bethania and then Beddgelert. This bit is road and you can make up some good time here if you are using decent cushioned shoes like mine.
Which reminds me that I didn't tell you what my all important shoe choice was for the day. I wore the same pair as last year here, the Hoka Clifton 2's which are my favourite brand and certainly shoe at the moment and have been for at least 2-3 years.
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Decent from Pen-y-Pas (Web sourced photo) |
Which reminds me that I didn't tell you what my all important shoe choice was for the day. I wore the same pair as last year here, the Hoka Clifton 2's which are my favourite brand and certainly shoe at the moment and have been for at least 2-3 years.
The cushioning in the Hoka range makes all the difference , especially if you have had knee or joint pain and you need to reduce impact damage and want to make your after run recovery a little less painful and quicker.
I enjoyed the downhill at speed and enjoyed passing as many people as possible, knowing full well they would likely pass me again later when I was knackered.
Next was the welcome sight of Sarah and family and also Mandy and Darren who were also supporting on the day.
I enjoyed the downhill at speed and enjoyed passing as many people as possible, knowing full well they would likely pass me again later when I was knackered.
Next was the welcome sight of Sarah and family and also Mandy and Darren who were also supporting on the day.
At 6 miles in you come off the A498 and run down a old farm track which is composed of loose stones, rocks, grass and mud and is very tricky underfoot if you are not used to it, and if you have no grip you are in trouble especially if the stones and rocks are wet. Today they were a bit damp but not massively wet underfoot so fairly decent to run on, but caution was still required as I hopped, skipped and jumped from one side to another as I tried to find a good safe fast route as we were still going downhill at this point.
It was a little quieter runner wise where I was race position wise at this point which made it easier to run down that path without worrying about others. It also stopped me being swooped up in a pack of runners were I would end up running their pace trying to keep up as opposed to running my own pace and race.
I have to give a shout out and 'Respect due' to Ben Darby here. Ben is a blind/visually impaired runner, and his ability to run at speed and negotiate tough terrain with a guide runner is amazing. He is a true inspiration to many, especially those who think they are not up to the task. WELL DONE BEN!
I have to give a shout out and 'Respect due' to Ben Darby here. Ben is a blind/visually impaired runner, and his ability to run at speed and negotiate tough terrain with a guide runner is amazing. He is a true inspiration to many, especially those who think they are not up to the task. WELL DONE BEN!
Last year I ran faster on this path and before it, and I think I smashed up my quads a bit as I had bad quad pain and degradation later in the run and a sore back shortly after leaving the path to rejoin the road at mile 8.
This year I tried to take it a little easier and not run full pelt, and I think I succeeded as I felt comfortable as we rejoined the A498 at mile 8 and started of on the long road section toward Bethania and Beddgellert.
On this section you just have to settle in and try and find your comfortable pace and see how you are physically feeling after the climb on the earlier stage and then the downhill on the next stage. This is the first real flat section for a typical road runner.
I felt in decent shape and I used the time to admire the scenery as I went to distract my mind from the effort involved on the run. I passed Llyn Gwynant at mile 8 to 9 which was a lovely sight and a welcome distraction.
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Llyn Gwynant (Web sourced photo) |
It wasn't long before I was at mile 10 and I figured I had better take my next gel as I was overdue taking one. I clocked 1hr 20m at mile 10 and this was the same as last year, so I was at least on target for a quick first half again as last year, so I was very happy at this point as I still felt in decent shape.
Last year I had planned an all out first half to build time and then take it easier on the second half. But at the half way point I had a lot of discomfort with my lower back and my legs were tired, and even though I walked a lot of the second hill climb last year my legs were still uncomfortable even walking.
This year as I had taken it easier on the long downhill to protect my quads and back I was hoping to rectify this.
Mile 11 was along side Llyn Dinas and water station/aid station no4 which was a welcome sight as I was purely drinking from the aid stations, whereas on most events I always carry my own to save time and convenience. But there are so many water stations here and ideally located, that I just use theirs.
Well done again to the organizers for this, and THANK YOU and WELL DONE to all the friendly, happy, cheery and helpful volunteers that come out to man the stations on the day, it is greatly appreciated by us all. Even though we may look miserable and in pain or have a race face on, we do really appreciate it honestly.
Well done again to the organizers for this, and THANK YOU and WELL DONE to all the friendly, happy, cheery and helpful volunteers that come out to man the stations on the day, it is greatly appreciated by us all. Even though we may look miserable and in pain or have a race face on, we do really appreciate it honestly.
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Beddgelert Bridge (Web sourced photo) |
The lovely and all familiar Beddgelert approached next just after another aid station, and I carried on at a decent speed looking for the 13.1 checkpoint and time mat like last year, as I wanted to record my time to compare against last year to see if I was faster or on time or even slower.
I ran on and still no mat, and I started to doubt there was even going to be one. By now I looked down at my Garmin and I was registering 13.58 miles done so knew I had passed the half marathon point, and I was now struggling to do mental maths in my head to work out what my time would of been back at 13.1 miles.
I calculated it at roughly 1hr 43min which was a whole 3 minutes faster than last year so I was now very happy as this would give me a good chance at hitting the illusive sub 4 hr finish time here.
I now had to find out what shape my legs were in as the next long slow hill out of Beddgelert was upon me, and I was obviously a little tired as I'd carried on at speed trying to find this illusive timing mat!
Beddgelert to Waunfawr
13.1 miles to 22 miles
I continued on slowly up the long climb and could feel my legs were tired, but I expected it here anyway and knew this is where the run really begins as it starts to get hard and the legs start to grow weary.
14 miles approached and lo and behold the illusive timing mat in the middle of nowhere! I started to doubt the distance on my Garmin, but knew it was correct as I had done the event last year and knew exactly where 13.1 miles was on the route, and in this case it was 0.9 miles further back down the road.
At the timing mat I clocked 1hr 51min, but obviously couldn't compare it to last year as the mat was in a different place, but obviously I knew I was still 3 minutes up.
I decided to try and grit this hill climb out as long as I could, as I knew I walked at least half of it last year and thought if I can run more of it this time I could try and bank some time for later to keep me on target for sub4.
Funnily enough somewhere around here I saw my Dad as he drove past me on the other side of the road, I waved but he was right behind the car in front and it was stopping and starting so Dad obviously had to keep his eye on the road and missed me.
Onward I went and I knew the next water/aid station was at roughly 15 miles so I told myself to suffer on through the climb until mile 15 and then have a breather and a gel and water when I get there as a reward. Thankfully mile 15 was at the top of the climb near enough, so you knew that bit was over when you got there.
So water station break done and off I went again after only about 30 seconds or so of standing still and I walked for about 50 metres as the water went down. It was now off toward Rhyd Ddu which is always a good cheer/support point as it is next to the Welsh Railway there and it looks like a nice place to visit as well. The scenery is lovely around there and I could imagine sitting on a good old steam train and travelling through the local mountainsides around there must be a treat.
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The train at Rhyd Ddu (Web sourced photo) |
The next water/aid station believe it or not is at mile 16 as well, only one mile past the previous one, but strategically it is a masterpiece in it's placement as you have just survived the hill back at 15 and partly refreshed but you still had another mile of slight up and downs which were still tiring. But at 16 onward you had some little downs and if you fuelled at mile 16 or rested you could take full advantage of them, which I did of course.
We were now running along the A4085 towards Waunfawr and it was now a question of knocking out the miles one by one on ever tiring legs. I always suffer a little from mile 16 onward as I start to feel my calves or hamstrings tire or even my quads like last year. But this year they were not too bad.
I was obviously physically tired so each mile It was a battle not to walk a little or too much. I never worry about a 30 second walk or even a 1 minute walk, because the mental and physical strength I regain from that little break I more than make back up again in the following mile.
Mile 18 alongside Llyn Cwellyn and the Snowdon Ranger Youth Hostel came and went and also the welcome sight of Davie and his girlfriend Dawn who were taking photo's and cheering people on.
At some point local running friend Jonathon casually passed me and said well done as he passed. I considered quickening up to maintain his pace as I beat him last year, but then decided it was foolish and too run my own race. WELL DONE to Jonathon by the way for beating me this time round.
I just about got 18 and 19 out the way after telling myself I couldn't have a longer walk break until I had clocked the 20 miles so I could compare my time with last year.
I was exceptionally pleased to hit 20 miles in 2hr 45mins which was 10 minutes up on last year at that point. This was the 3 minutes gained before Beddgelert and an additional 7 minutes by running all of climb number two from 13 to 15 miles instead of run walk the previous years. Needless to say I rewarded myself with a couple of minutes walk break!
Miles 20 and 21 are the final approach to Waunfawr and a tiring stretch and it has a few steep ups just before you get there. I did see a friendly and familiar face in Kim who was offering the good old jelly sweets to help those feeling excessively drained.
Waunfawr was finally here and mile 22 and again it was the welcome face of Mandy and Darren I saw first as I struggled up the hilly bit of the main road, and at this point I was stuffing my face with a energy/snack bar I got free in a goody bag once. It was a little rank, but as I was hungry that meant I was in trouble so had no option other than to eat it.
The welcome box of jelly sweets that Darren was holding out was a much needed bonus and I grabbed a handful with my free hand as I was still eating the snack bar with the other.
The dreaded right turn into hill hell was next at mile 22 and there was lots of support there as you turn including cameras etc, but I was walking this bit for sure.
As soon as you turn the corner, despite the fact the hill is there and looming, there is a great water/aid station there manned by young kids and their Mums etc and they are a very welcome sight, especially when they are offering you gels, sweets, water, isotonic drink etc..etc.. THANK YOU all for your support, it is much appreciated by all.
Waunfawr to Llanberis
22 miles to 26.2
Onward and upward and my legs were now in no position to muster the energy to run upward, so it was walk time while I continued to eat the handful of sweets etc to try and keep the energy up for what was the worst climb of the entire marathon, two miles of climb up to over 1000ft.
I knew that on the previous years I had walked pretty much the entire last hill as planned as it is just too much effort to run up it and you would physically lose all your remaining run energy if you did so unless you are an elite, and I'm not. I wanted to ensure I could actually finish and I knew I was ahead of schedule.
The final checkpoint/timing mat is at mile 23 here and I clocked 3hrs 19min which was 8 minutes up on last year, and last year I finished in 4hrs 1min 20secs. So I was now playing it exceptionally careful to stay at a decent walk pace up the hill, and trying to recall exactly what parts of this hill I walked last year and at what point near the top I started to run again.
There is a bit of an undulated section near the top that you are tempted to continue walking, as by now your legs are likely like lead weights, and you are also probably feeling a little sick after all the gels, sweets, snack bars, water, isotonic drink etc you have consumed on the run. I know I did, I'd had gut ache on and off since mile 8 or so and it had been an ongoing issue all the way round making some stretches very uncomfortable and I had restricted my liquid intake to address it.
I wasn't the only one in trouble by the sounds of it either, you could hear the odd subtle belch and burp as people addressed the issue of uncomfortable internal combustion/ignition, thankfully there were no flames around to ignite anything.
Finally mile 24 and the Tafarn24 water/aid station which was manned by volunteers in full Halloween attire, and they had even arranged for the return of the eerie fog to make it even more spooky.
Sadly as I was chasing a time there was no time to stop, or indeed collect my promised 'extra jelly babies' from Gwen who had promised me some because I was good enough to run to raise funds for their local Mountain Rescue Team.
Now it was the dreaded downhill decent back into Llanberis. I like this bit, but when it is wet it is really hard to stay on your feet because the first maybe 3/4 of a mile is on grassy muddy path and it's got slip trails all over it where people have have already gone arse over tit and for full pleasure of the awaiting photographer situated there for that very reason :)
I was aware I was losing a little time here, or so I thought but I couldn't risk a slip and fall and possible injury so carried on gingerly (no idea where that expression comes from) to ensure safety.
Finally you hit some farm track and tarmac, but blimey it's steep unless you are sheep, and it's a battle to decide whether to jog down slowly and safely or try and run with the inability to stop if you needed.
I went for a mix of the two as I could feel myself braking on the downhill and the pressure was taking it's toll on my knees and my toes were now rammed into the toe box of my shoes and getting uncomfortable.
I managed to pass a few people here, but not as many as last year when I just went for it uncontrollably and gained about 20 places.
I played it careful until we hit an actual road coming into Llanberis and it was a pleasant downhill here so a chance to overtake a few people as I always try and have something left at the end if I can.
The final corner was in sight and I could hear and see the tremendous local supporters you get on the infamous Llanberis High St finishing stretch. Around the final corner I went and time to give it my all and stretch out my lanky legs and try and race the last couple of people ahead.
I saw a couple of ladies about 30 metres ahead and felt a tad guilty as I ran past but we were still quite a distance from the finish line and the photo's so it wouldn't affect them.
But any guilt was lost when out of the corner of my eye on my left I saw a blue flash as a guy was racing up to and past me. I'm not having that I thought and the friendly sprint off ensued as we both sped up neck and neck glancing at each other occasionally looking for signs of each other giving up...but no..this youngun was giving it as good as he got and I was now full pelt running stride for stride alongside him for the finish.
It was a great feeling and it makes your day, and I think I just took the win maybe..maybe was at least a draw on the line itself.
I had my fingers crossed that at least I would have a good finish photo to remember the run by, and I think I succeeded....
Finished, in more ways than one.
So I crossed the line in 3hrs 52mins 47seconds
8 min 53 sec pace per mile
417th position out of 3166 runners.
This was not only the sub4 I really wanted here, but it was also a new marathon PB (personal best) for me as my previous flat road marathon time at only my second ever road marathon was 3hrs 56min.
I was well chuffed to say the least as most of my marathons are trail marathons which are hard to compare time wise, because the trail and hills makes them all different.
With two 95% road 5% trail Snowdon marathons here already in the two previous years this was a decent improvement for someone getting older and a little worn out!
As soon as I finished it was a quick handshake and well done to the guy I had just sprint finished with and another guy I had chatted to in the final miles who also got his sub4, and then it was cup of coffee and a biscuit time at the Cadet hall.
Not before collecting my lovely Welsh slate coaster and momento though of course. I have three now, just one more required to make a proper set of 4.
As I was sat on the floor in the Cadet hall I was starting to feel increasingly unwell and now a little sick. I thought it best to go back outside to cool down a little and at least ensure I was stood somewhere were I could be sick if needs be.
I wandered around aimlessly for a while still convinced I was going to be sick. I had given it my all on this race and it may of been that, but I suspect it may also of been a sugar rush from all the sweets a couple of gels and a sugary cup of coffee, I'm not sure.
I was well and truly spent and finished and I had originally planned on staying for an hour or so to see fellow friends cross the line. Especially Sal and Darren Seeney who were renewing their wedding vows on the finish line at the event! Sorry guys xx.
Sadly I couldn't as I just didn't feel right. I went back to race HQ and the portaloos and tried to make myself sick, but it appeared my stomach was pretty much empty at this point, but I felt a little better.
I got changed and headed back toward the finish but couldn't find anywhere to sit and knew I couldn't stand near people, so I found a seat at a local bus stop, threw all my clothes on to keep warm and sat there to recover. I also suffer with Anxiety and often social Anxiety can come with it and I was feeling increasingly edgy around people, so a little bit of space on my own helped.
I had already sent a text to my Dad to tell him I had finished and that I would meet him later ready to go home, but thankfully he came back earlier and said he was in the car park at the race HQ so I went straight over and we left for home.
I did feel better eventually thankfully on the journey home, and me and my Dad enjoyed the scenery on the way home now we could actually see it in the daylight.
I am incredibly thankful for all the help and support I have had from family and friends prior to this event, and indeed throughout this year since my Mum passed. It has also helped with my Anxiety issues as running friends and family in particular have been particularly helpful. Especially those who have openly shared their own troubles and offered advice.
Running these events and for a good cause, helps me and gives me focus. It also helps my Anxiety issues and obviously my overall mental health. I would recommend running to anyone who needs a focus and a diversion from their troubles, it works wonders and puts you in contact with wonderful supportive people in the running community often prepared to put themselves out to help you. THANK YOU all.
The day itself was also a good trip out for my Dad, as it was the first time he had returned to Wales and Llanberis since we lost Mum back in June.
It was good that we got to spend the time together, and I'm glad that one way or another both my parents were there to see me cross the line and succeed doing something I love to do, which is running for charity and doing my bit to 'help those in need' in memory of my Mum...
I was obviously physically tired so each mile It was a battle not to walk a little or too much. I never worry about a 30 second walk or even a 1 minute walk, because the mental and physical strength I regain from that little break I more than make back up again in the following mile.
Mile 18 alongside Llyn Cwellyn and the Snowdon Ranger Youth Hostel came and went and also the welcome sight of Davie and his girlfriend Dawn who were taking photo's and cheering people on.
At some point local running friend Jonathon casually passed me and said well done as he passed. I considered quickening up to maintain his pace as I beat him last year, but then decided it was foolish and too run my own race. WELL DONE to Jonathon by the way for beating me this time round.
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Official photo. |
I just about got 18 and 19 out the way after telling myself I couldn't have a longer walk break until I had clocked the 20 miles so I could compare my time with last year.
I was exceptionally pleased to hit 20 miles in 2hr 45mins which was 10 minutes up on last year at that point. This was the 3 minutes gained before Beddgelert and an additional 7 minutes by running all of climb number two from 13 to 15 miles instead of run walk the previous years. Needless to say I rewarded myself with a couple of minutes walk break!
Miles 20 and 21 are the final approach to Waunfawr and a tiring stretch and it has a few steep ups just before you get there. I did see a friendly and familiar face in Kim who was offering the good old jelly sweets to help those feeling excessively drained.
Waunfawr was finally here and mile 22 and again it was the welcome face of Mandy and Darren I saw first as I struggled up the hilly bit of the main road, and at this point I was stuffing my face with a energy/snack bar I got free in a goody bag once. It was a little rank, but as I was hungry that meant I was in trouble so had no option other than to eat it.
The welcome box of jelly sweets that Darren was holding out was a much needed bonus and I grabbed a handful with my free hand as I was still eating the snack bar with the other.
The dreaded right turn into hill hell was next at mile 22 and there was lots of support there as you turn including cameras etc, but I was walking this bit for sure.
As soon as you turn the corner, despite the fact the hill is there and looming, there is a great water/aid station there manned by young kids and their Mums etc and they are a very welcome sight, especially when they are offering you gels, sweets, water, isotonic drink etc..etc.. THANK YOU all for your support, it is much appreciated by all.
Waunfawr to Llanberis
22 miles to 26.2
Onward and upward and my legs were now in no position to muster the energy to run upward, so it was walk time while I continued to eat the handful of sweets etc to try and keep the energy up for what was the worst climb of the entire marathon, two miles of climb up to over 1000ft.
I knew that on the previous years I had walked pretty much the entire last hill as planned as it is just too much effort to run up it and you would physically lose all your remaining run energy if you did so unless you are an elite, and I'm not. I wanted to ensure I could actually finish and I knew I was ahead of schedule.
The final checkpoint/timing mat is at mile 23 here and I clocked 3hrs 19min which was 8 minutes up on last year, and last year I finished in 4hrs 1min 20secs. So I was now playing it exceptionally careful to stay at a decent walk pace up the hill, and trying to recall exactly what parts of this hill I walked last year and at what point near the top I started to run again.
There is a bit of an undulated section near the top that you are tempted to continue walking, as by now your legs are likely like lead weights, and you are also probably feeling a little sick after all the gels, sweets, snack bars, water, isotonic drink etc you have consumed on the run. I know I did, I'd had gut ache on and off since mile 8 or so and it had been an ongoing issue all the way round making some stretches very uncomfortable and I had restricted my liquid intake to address it.
I wasn't the only one in trouble by the sounds of it either, you could hear the odd subtle belch and burp as people addressed the issue of uncomfortable internal combustion/ignition, thankfully there were no flames around to ignite anything.
Finally mile 24 and the Tafarn24 water/aid station which was manned by volunteers in full Halloween attire, and they had even arranged for the return of the eerie fog to make it even more spooky.
Sadly as I was chasing a time there was no time to stop, or indeed collect my promised 'extra jelly babies' from Gwen who had promised me some because I was good enough to run to raise funds for their local Mountain Rescue Team.
Now it was the dreaded downhill decent back into Llanberis. I like this bit, but when it is wet it is really hard to stay on your feet because the first maybe 3/4 of a mile is on grassy muddy path and it's got slip trails all over it where people have have already gone arse over tit and for full pleasure of the awaiting photographer situated there for that very reason :)
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The start of the decent into Llanberis (Web sourced photo) |
Finally you hit some farm track and tarmac, but blimey it's steep unless you are sheep, and it's a battle to decide whether to jog down slowly and safely or try and run with the inability to stop if you needed.
I went for a mix of the two as I could feel myself braking on the downhill and the pressure was taking it's toll on my knees and my toes were now rammed into the toe box of my shoes and getting uncomfortable.
I managed to pass a few people here, but not as many as last year when I just went for it uncontrollably and gained about 20 places.
I played it careful until we hit an actual road coming into Llanberis and it was a pleasant downhill here so a chance to overtake a few people as I always try and have something left at the end if I can.
The final corner was in sight and I could hear and see the tremendous local supporters you get on the infamous Llanberis High St finishing stretch. Around the final corner I went and time to give it my all and stretch out my lanky legs and try and race the last couple of people ahead.
I saw a couple of ladies about 30 metres ahead and felt a tad guilty as I ran past but we were still quite a distance from the finish line and the photo's so it wouldn't affect them.
But any guilt was lost when out of the corner of my eye on my left I saw a blue flash as a guy was racing up to and past me. I'm not having that I thought and the friendly sprint off ensued as we both sped up neck and neck glancing at each other occasionally looking for signs of each other giving up...but no..this youngun was giving it as good as he got and I was now full pelt running stride for stride alongside him for the finish.
It was a great feeling and it makes your day, and I think I just took the win maybe..maybe was at least a draw on the line itself.
I had my fingers crossed that at least I would have a good finish photo to remember the run by, and I think I succeeded....
Finished, in more ways than one.
So I crossed the line in 3hrs 52mins 47seconds
8 min 53 sec pace per mile
417th position out of 3166 runners.
This was not only the sub4 I really wanted here, but it was also a new marathon PB (personal best) for me as my previous flat road marathon time at only my second ever road marathon was 3hrs 56min.
I was well chuffed to say the least as most of my marathons are trail marathons which are hard to compare time wise, because the trail and hills makes them all different.
With two 95% road 5% trail Snowdon marathons here already in the two previous years this was a decent improvement for someone getting older and a little worn out!
As soon as I finished it was a quick handshake and well done to the guy I had just sprint finished with and another guy I had chatted to in the final miles who also got his sub4, and then it was cup of coffee and a biscuit time at the Cadet hall.
Not before collecting my lovely Welsh slate coaster and momento though of course. I have three now, just one more required to make a proper set of 4.
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3 years in a row...looking forward to number 4 maybe. |
As I was sat on the floor in the Cadet hall I was starting to feel increasingly unwell and now a little sick. I thought it best to go back outside to cool down a little and at least ensure I was stood somewhere were I could be sick if needs be.
I wandered around aimlessly for a while still convinced I was going to be sick. I had given it my all on this race and it may of been that, but I suspect it may also of been a sugar rush from all the sweets a couple of gels and a sugary cup of coffee, I'm not sure.
I was well and truly spent and finished and I had originally planned on staying for an hour or so to see fellow friends cross the line. Especially Sal and Darren Seeney who were renewing their wedding vows on the finish line at the event! Sorry guys xx.
Sadly I couldn't as I just didn't feel right. I went back to race HQ and the portaloos and tried to make myself sick, but it appeared my stomach was pretty much empty at this point, but I felt a little better.
I got changed and headed back toward the finish but couldn't find anywhere to sit and knew I couldn't stand near people, so I found a seat at a local bus stop, threw all my clothes on to keep warm and sat there to recover. I also suffer with Anxiety and often social Anxiety can come with it and I was feeling increasingly edgy around people, so a little bit of space on my own helped.
I had already sent a text to my Dad to tell him I had finished and that I would meet him later ready to go home, but thankfully he came back earlier and said he was in the car park at the race HQ so I went straight over and we left for home.
I did feel better eventually thankfully on the journey home, and me and my Dad enjoyed the scenery on the way home now we could actually see it in the daylight.
I am incredibly thankful for all the help and support I have had from family and friends prior to this event, and indeed throughout this year since my Mum passed. It has also helped with my Anxiety issues as running friends and family in particular have been particularly helpful. Especially those who have openly shared their own troubles and offered advice.
Running these events and for a good cause, helps me and gives me focus. It also helps my Anxiety issues and obviously my overall mental health. I would recommend running to anyone who needs a focus and a diversion from their troubles, it works wonders and puts you in contact with wonderful supportive people in the running community often prepared to put themselves out to help you. THANK YOU all.
The day itself was also a good trip out for my Dad, as it was the first time he had returned to Wales and Llanberis since we lost Mum back in June.
It was good that we got to spend the time together, and I'm glad that one way or another both my parents were there to see me cross the line and succeed doing something I love to do, which is running for charity and doing my bit to 'help those in need' in memory of my Mum...
God bless you all, and remember to cherish those around you always.