So we are on the last stage and I'm turning to the regular stars of the show to tell us what stage number it is tonight, and to ask how many miles we will of covered when we've finished.
So what stage is it tonight guys?........
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Stage 6, oh dear Catherine still hasn't got the hang of it. |
....and how many miles will we of done by the end of the day and the week Catherine?
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25?? are you sure?....we'll come back to you later shall we. |
Stage six - Wirral coastal path 12 miler Saturday 12th July 2014.
So it's the final day and stage of the Tour and we are on the sunny coast of the Wirral and literally in New Brighton. We are actually by the seaside on what is a nice and warm sunny day. This is nice if your just sat on the beach with an ice-cream, but not so much if you have to run 12 miles in it with no shade and on the back of a long week of hot and sunny days and nights, but then again we've all acquired a few funny looking tan lines etc over the week so it's not too bad, silver linings and all that. It could be worse could of been wellies and umbrella's all week :)
Transport for the day was the ever reliable Mr M ( The newly named Determinator, because he never stops). It was also a mere 15 hours since the start of the last race as well, because as you know we ran last night ( Friday ) and we were now going to be running at 10am in the morning instead of the usual 7pm in the evening.
I had managed to shove a plate of pasta down my throat last night as my tea/supper although it took me at least an hour to clear my plate, and I then had to stay up for it to at least start digesting before I went to bed at near on 1am I think it was, may of even been 2am.
So we promptly arrived at the seaside and parked up and walked to the start and finish area to say our hello's.We then discovered at this moment that the porta loo's hadn't turned up and wouldn't be. So it was decision time on whether we really needed to go to the loo or not and where exactly would we go.I decided to stay where I was as I didn't want to wander off, and I suspect I looked like a schoolboy who really needed a wee for quite a while......
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In my defense I think I was actually casually trying to warm up.... |
People had now started to arrive and mill around and we were asking how each other were feeling after hardly any rest, and indeed whether they had managed to get any food down in preparation for the 12 miles ahead. It was indeed a worry whether or not my legs would last out comfortably for 12 miles and I seriously had my doubts.
Even more worrying was the anticipation of what was going to transpire here today in the now famous Les v Sarah battle as I had taken the overall races win with a 2-0 margin going into today after last nights draw at Stadt Moers country park.
But I was only two and a half minutes ahead overall in the entire Tour, and if I had a bad day today and my legs gave out early I could see that lead disappear right before my eyes because Sarah is a good flat runner and had caught up with me on several occasions over the week when I was trying to push the pace from the front. I was indeed bricking it!!
More worrying was seeing Sarah and Catherine posing for pictures like this....
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Fighting talk or a double fist pump?? |
I kept myself to myself for a bit as I tried to wake up as I hadn't really slept at all especially with all the excitement of the finale. It was indeed like Christmas morning all over again and we were going to be getting our long anticipated reward, the 52 medal :)
Several people were taking the usual pictures together as they calmed the nerves and started to get ready with their relevant running partners etc if they were running in pairs or groups etc, and some were taking the opportunity to get their picture with some of the leaders of the Tour itself.
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Phil and Alex . |
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A mixture of runners and their supporters |
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Penny Lane Striders. |
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Knowsley Harriers Running Club . |
It was now almost time for the off and I think Sarah and myself were doing our best to avoid each other this morning in order to avoid psyching each other out. I had stated my intention last night over Facebook that I intended on crossing the finishing line with her, and I got a friendly "Good luck with that" response lol, so it was clearly `game on` on all accounts. But I had my master game plan and it had worked adequately so far this week, but I also had something to make up for that I still felt bad about from Sundays run in Southport when I burned Sarah off on the final sprint.
So 10am arrived and we were all lined up ready for the last stage and indeed the finale, and the race standings had been announced for 1st, 2nd and 3rd etc for the men and women, and the gap between the men in 2nd and 3rd was only 17 seconds, so a battle was indeed going to be going off at the front of the runners.
So off we went.......
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The front running males |
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The fist pumps are catching on. |
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Time to adopt the chafe free running technique for some :) |
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Business as usual for the front runners |
It was business as usual at the front, and it was also business as usual in the Les v Sarah battle as I started 6 feet or so behind Sarah at the start this time as I wasn't having a repeat of last nights trickery :)
It was also quite apparent that this run was a long hard 6 mile slog out and back again, and it would be at times a drag as we pounded concrete down the coastal path and seafront. But the ideal element was you would not be losing sight of your nearest rival on this course as you could see far far ahead and behind and there was indeed a switchback at the half way point so you could see your rivals as they turned.
So we pounded down the course and I tucked in behind Sarah and stayed there as that was my plan for this part of the race to at least keep her in my sight so I could use her pace and not mine.
The first water station was at mile 3 and I passed through it without taking any as I had my own drink as always, and was confident I'd reach the next at 6 miles before I needed a bottle to pour over my head.
I carried on behind Sarah as we went through miles 4 and 5 and I found myself entertained by the colour and pattern choice she had chosen for her unmentionables that day that were clearly sticking out the top of her Lycra despite her trying to rearrange them on several occasions lol.
After pounding the Promenade we approached the beach section which I think most of us were dreading as we did not know whether it was going to be hard or soft sand. As it happened it wasn't too bad, but it did drain the legs.
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Down onto the beach.. |
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Some people found the beach fun, and some clearly didn't, Adele seems to of found some imaginary traffic lights, maybe it was a mirage in the heat on the beach.. |
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Some just tried to distract themselves with spot the seagull... |
It was now switchback and turnaround time as we had hit the 6 mile point, and it was also water station time. This was now time to pour the entire bottle over my head, cap and vest ( it only became apparent later why this was not a good idea ).
It was incredibly refreshing and vital in keeping me cool as I usually overheat on hot days and suffer, and often am borderline dizzy if I'm not careful. I had used this technique at Southport and it had got me through the heat there so it was a vital move.
It was now apparent that after the initial 6 miles that Sarah had uncomfortably pushed the pace and that she was not enjoying the sand at all, and that she was drained. She did make a comment but I can't recall what it was, but it did confirm my hopes that the pace would now slow a bit as we returned to the Promenade.
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Back off the beach, and some still smiling :) |
We were now back on the Promenade and heading back for a final 6 miles which seemed a lifetime away and I had now drawn level with Sarah and was running on her shoulder. I think we both pretty much mutually chose not to talk apart from the odd comment as we were tired or at least a little puffed out, and it was now a matter of slogging out 6 miles more.
As we went back down the prom it was a chance to say our hello's and well done's to fellow runners and friends who were at the time passing us going the other way. This is always a highlight as it gives us all encouragement and it's good to check everyone is ok. We passed a few familiar faces on this section.....
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Jo and Eamonn |
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Mike and Adele |
It was now miles 7 and 8 and it was getting tiring, but as the pace was slowing it was working in my favour as my legs weren't too bad and hadn't continued to tire further than earlier in the run which was a bonus for me.
Onwards we went and at the Lifeguard point between 8 and 9 miles I think it was, we saw a familiar face. At first I thought it was the race winner Anthony with a camera, but then I realized as we got nearer that it was indeed Mr Martin Connell taking pictures of his fellow runners and friends from the Facebook Running Discussion Board and friends from other clubs as we all approached. I even managed a smile......not to sure what Sarah was doing..
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Sarah and myself. |
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Gillian and Adam. |
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Frankie. |
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Chris. |
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Darren. |
Onwards again we went and we were now approaching the water station at mile 9, and I was now out of drink so I poured a full bottle of water into my running bottle and took a gel as I'd now run out of energy drink.
I now had to resort to the drastic measure of taking my running vest off because all the water I'd been pouring on myself and vest had infact been chafing for the last 3 miles and the killer sting had appeared. I tried my best not to fall flat on my face as I removed it and managed to shove the top of it securely into the top of my shorts at the back.
I had had the foresight to run with my running number everyday attached to a gel belt and not pinned to my top for this exact reason because I knew that in heat I was in trouble and taking my vest off was always going to be the emergency method to try and lose that excessive body heat.
How Sarah managed to keep a straight face and not laugh her a** of I'll never know but I'm sure she found it as funny as I found her unmentionables selection that day lol.
We now passed another generous photographer who gave up their time to take photo's of runners as they passed, and they got some great images ( apologies for mine ).....
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Sarah and myself ( don't laugh ). |
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Jennie. |
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Stan. |
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Jo and Eamonn. |
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Just had to use this one, it's Carl. |
So we were now almost there, we only had a couple of miles to go and Sarah slogged it out like a trooper as she was clearly tired, just as she had all week and had pushed me to my limit everyday, as I had done hers as well, and not just on the patience front may I add :)
Final approach now and the finish line was in sight and we could see all the crowds of supporters and family members etc in the distance. It was now do or die time as we approached the finish, and as per usual we ran side by side and shoulder to shoulder as we started to sprint in. Sarah went first and I leveled, then she pushed again and I leveled again, and by now we could hear people cheering us on and especially those who knew of the battle between us.
Again Sarah pushed and I leveled yet again ..........
as the noise level raised....... and then one final push by Sarah and.......
she was off....or was she??...
What can I say? I am a gentleman after all, and it was worth it to see the smile on Sarah's face as she sprinted ahead and over the line to victory for the last day. And it was worth it to hear the crowd as they recognized what took place and cheered us both over the line individually.
It was now the handshake and well done time and time to watch all our friends old and new cross the line for the final time of the tour......
Some people were clearly emotional and extremely happy at crossing the finish line and welcomed a comforting hug along with their well earned medal bling.....
So we congregated together and congratulated each other on getting through the week and took on board much needed refreshment from the customary Btr refreshment tent, happily aided by the fantastic volunteers that they have had through the week ( thank you guys and gals).
But hold on, wait a minute......
We still had the most important person on the course still out there, and as ever it was no one left behind, as runners started to run out back down the course to help cheer in the last man standing....well ok it was last woman this time.
Back we went to the 11 mile point and started to run with the star of the show Wendy, and the number of runners grew....
and grew......
and grew.....
and grew.....
until it was finally time to let Wendy do it on her own and take the honour of crossing that glorious finish line with the knowledge that, she also was a Tour 52 miler, and was as good as the rest of us if not indeed better........
Straight into the caring arms of Keith, our super marshal and medal presenter she went to a tremendous amount of applause from everyone on the Tour, and all that were supporting on the day in recognition of a true Tour star.
It was `the` golden moment of the Tour for many, and many shed a tear, and the images and memories from the day will be entwined in our minds forever. It was a true testament to the love and support that our own particular band of running brothers, sisters and indeed family have and show towards each other. It is a truly unique bond that I for one thank God for, and will do every day from now on, I love you all guys and gals.
As ever there was now a mass off happy runners at the finish taking pics and showing the bling with pride, but next stop was going to be a mass celebration at the Tour Presentation at the floral Pavilion down the road in New Brighton.
Meanwhile Catherine was still trying to get it across to Colin exactly how many miles we had actually done over the entire week on Tour.....
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still only 25 Catherine? really?
come on Frankie and Kenny, show her how it's done.
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Complete with a photo bombing Sarah, we have 52 miles :) |
So onwards we go to the most looked forward to moment of the Tour for me, the presentation and video of the Tour at the Floral Pavilion followed by a buffet and several pints :)
The presentation was for the winners of the Tour obviously and was for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in both male and female categories, the male winner was Anthony, followed by Slava and then Gareth.
Well done guys, and well done Slava for making up the 17 seconds and more to take the 2nd place on the final stage.
Well done guys, and well done Slava for making up the 17 seconds and more to take the 2nd place on the final stage.
The ladies winners were, in first place Jenny, followed by Alex and then Sharon, well done ladies great performance as always.
Of course the star of the Tour was invited up, as being last is always rewarded as well in the Tour because the last is just as important as the first, and a bouquet of flowers was presented to Wendy.
Next up was Alan Rothwell to introduce the video highlights of the Tour itself, and we were treated to roughly an hour of laughs and tears, and fantastic memories of the past week, including many interviews and funny quips from various characters.
Every race excluding the last day was shown and it was all accompanied by a cracking soundtrack that made it truly special.
It's great to see yourself on the video's and relive what you have been through and see yourself running even. Seeing yourself having a whale of a time with great friends was also a highlight for me as I've always been a quiet person and it was good to see myself happy and smiling while chatting away with people I met or already knew.
Every race excluding the last day was shown and it was all accompanied by a cracking soundtrack that made it truly special.
It's great to see yourself on the video's and relive what you have been through and see yourself running even. Seeing yourself having a whale of a time with great friends was also a highlight for me as I've always been a quiet person and it was good to see myself happy and smiling while chatting away with people I met or already knew.
Next up was David Marsh ( Mr M ) to do a little speech and to thank Alan and Yvonne and all their helpers on behalf of the runners and to get them onstage so we could give them the well earned applause they truly deserved....
So finally it was now time for the Tourists themselves `us` to go onstage and get a few group shots so we could see how many of us there really where......
And then a few more shots outside of the whole group.........
So official business over, and now it was well earned buffet time. And a good catch up and chat with all our new friends and the odd pint or two as we laughed and cried at all that had passed over the last 7 days of the best tour on earth, the Btr Tour of Merseyside 2014......
On an almost final note, a big THANK YOU to Colin Bailey for all his wonderful video work, and I can't wait to get a copy of the DVD when it's out in a couple of weeks, get them quick folks an absolute bargain for a tenner.
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Colin Bailey our video man and true star. |
Also a big `Thank You` to the Btr photographer Paul Francis Cooper for all the pictures and the open access to them. Also David Pinnington, and Anna Watkin.
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Paul Francis Cooper, still on the job :) |
A big `Thank You` to everyone else as well who uploaded pictures to Facebook so people like myself could indeed reuse them for blogs and happy memories for all, thank you in particular to Sophia who went out injured on the first day but came down on other days to take some cracking shots, many of which I used in my blogs throughout the week.
So that's it for this year then as far as the Tour goes and my participation in it.....
but what is that I hear you cry? what happened in the epic battle with Sarah?......
Well I chased her around 52 miles of Merseyside and got the overall win , I did get a hug and a free pint so it's not all bad :)
We remain, great running friends and competitors, and I am thankful for that, and seeing her beaming smile throughout the week really made it for me.
Thank you everyone for being part of the best week of my life, I now consider you all friends forever and look forward to seeing you all again next year, well as soon as I find £95 anyway, can you still run on one kidney? gotta be worth £95 at least lol....
See you all soon..
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